Coaching For Sense | Coaching for Sense focus areas
Coaching for Sense
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My focus areas

A business coaching approach based on 3 specificities

Setting the sense at the heart of the performance

Many executives and managers are confronted with the dual performance and sense challenge, often linked to the various changes faced by organisations. Interrogating their own performance as well as their organisation performance, these executives and managers most likely will ask themselves the following questions. Which type of (new) leadership should they provide to their teams? How should a shared vision emerge from their organisation through the development of a collective intelligence process? Which sense should they give to or rediscover for their professional commitment?


Throughout my more than 30-year professional career path within the SUEZ Group, I have been facing as a manager and then an executive, similar challenges of personal, team and organisational performance. My practical experience, in France and overseas, taught me that the performance of a manager, an executive, a team or an organisation is enhanced every time that an appropriate and satisfactory answer is provided to the above-mentioned questions around sense.

Mobilising my international executive experience along with my certified coaching skills

In order to understand and therefore support efficiently the executives and managers in search of sensible performance, I am able to mobilise a combined set of experience and skills relatively uncommon in the coaching field: a 15-year experience of leading various subsidiaries of a major international group and an accompanying offer based on the specific intervention mode and tools of a certified business coach.


Professional coaching aims at enabling executives and managers to find their own answers to their questions and their own solutions to their challenges. Nevertheless, it is a co-construction process between the executive or manager and his/her coach. It is therefore paramount that the coach be able to understand the questions and challenges faced by an executive or manager, as well as challenge him/her in terms of the expressed answers or identified solutions.

Development of new leaders, in particular in Africa

Being an international executive or manager requires specific leadership skills: beyond necessary qualities in terms of shared vision (sense bearer leader) and team development (empowering leader), an international leader must also sharpen his/her flexibility and agility in relation to the cross-cultural challenge. Facing specific challenges in Africa and in emerging and developing countries in general, international companies and large national organisations aim at developing a new generation of executives and managers endowed with real leadership attributes.


I spent more than half of my 30-year career as an executive in Africa – mainly South Africa, as well as Latin America and Oceania. I am deeply aware of cross-cultural challenges and therefore well suited to accompany international companies and large national organisations, in particular in Africa, in their drive to develop new leaders through appropriate business coaching.